Butterflies: Saving the Monarch Butterfly
Great numbers of Monarchs gather and migrate each fall and it is hard to imagine that this phenomenon may be coming to an end as the Monarch is facing the threat of extinction. Reality is setting in for many of us and the threat to the Monarch Butterfly is real and imminent. We all need to step up and try to have compassion and do our part to insure it doesn't happen. Monarchs are seriously threatened by human activities in both their summer and over wintering sites. These activities are destroying the habitats at an astounding rate. Organizations, such as ourselves, are gathering and discussing a multitude of ways to help.
So, let's take action! At the farm, we are doing are part and for those of you who wish to help we have created this page of wildflowers specifically for the Monarch Butterfly. These mixes, discount combos and individual species allow Monarchs a food source, a place to rest and the all-important areas to pollinate and breed. These flowers will have Monarchs flocking to your gardens, fields, containers all summer long!
Suggested Mixes or Species for Monarchs:
Our Wildlife Habitat and Forage Mix
Our Native Perennial Pollinator Mix
Species: Common Milkweed Butterfly Weed Swamp Milkweed Sweet Alyssum Candytuft Wild Cosmos Blanket Flower Indian Blanket Sweet Mignonette Pincushion Flower Verbena Zinnias New England Aster Bee Balm or Bergamot Daisies Phlox Purple Coneflower Boneset Black-eyed Susan Blazing Star Joe Pye-weed Yarrow