Collection: Perennial Wildflower Species
We carry a very large selection of individual perennial wildflower species. Each flower listed below will contain Common name, Botanical name, Type, Bloom time, Light Requirements, Height and Pricing by quantity. We also let you know if it's invasive, endangered, edible or medicinal. Just select your size option from the drop down box and incremental pricing will be applied. If you don't see something you desire listed, be sure to ask us. Most if not all flowers listed here are for all zones and regions.
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Aster New England Seeds (Aster novae-angliae)
A very big autumn favorite! Bright purple with a distinct yellow center, these are the jewels of fall bloom. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Aster Sky Blue Seeds (Aster azureus)
Numerous spreading flower branches with 1-inch flowers on long stalks that bloom late summer to fall. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Basket of Gold Seeds (Alyssum saxatile)
A favorite perennial for rock gardens. It flowers in masses of dense yellow clusters throughout the spring. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Bee Balm - Bergamot Seeds (Monarda fistulosa)
Every year in June and July Bee Balm blooms in intense shades of pink, salmon, red, scarlet and crimson. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Bee Balm Bradbury's Seeds (Monarda bradburiana)
A beautiful flower, attracts pollinators, compact, a popular sought-after version of bee balm and deer resistant. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $4.95Price:Unit price / per -
Bird's Foot Trefoil Seeds (Lotus corniculatus)
Perennial, 12-24 inches tall; aggressive legume, leaves with 3 leaflets, flowers yellow, resembling a bird's foot. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Black Eyed Susan Seeds (Rudbeckia hirta)
State flower of Maryland and the flower of Vermont Wildflower Farm. Hardy and super easy to grow. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Blanket Flower Seeds (Gaillardia aristata)
One of the hardiest and drought tolerant perennials coveted for its long life as a plant as well as a cut flower. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Blazing Star Seeds (Liatris spicata)
An odd and interesting native. Liatris will thrive in places where scarcely anything else will grow. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Blue Eyed Grass Seeds (Sisyrinchium angustifolium)
Grass-like foliage with a purple flower. However, it is in the Iris family. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Blue Flax Seeds (Linum perenne)
Beautiful blue flowers bloom on delicate stems in spring and summer. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Boneset Seeds (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
Clump forming, slightly aromatic and easy to grow with low maintenance. Great for attracting butterflies. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Brown Eyed Susan Seeds (Rudbeckia triloba)
Hundreds of small gold flowers with brown centers that bloom for months. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Butterfly Weed Seeds (Asclepias tuberosa)
Flowers are a nectar source for many butterflies and leaves are a food source for monarch butterfly larvae. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
California Poppy Mix Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
The flowers are orange, pale yellow, cream and deep orangey red. The foliage is gray-green and feathery. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
California Poppy Purple Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
A great California poppy cultivar, different and unusual. Great to mix in with other flowers. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
California Poppy Red Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
A great California poppy cultivar, different and unusual. Great to mix in with other flowers. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
California Poppy Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
The flowers are usually orange and sometimes pale yellow. The foliage is gray-green and feathery. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
California Poppy White Seeds (Eschscholzia californica)
The flowers are creamy white and add a striking swath of white when naturalized on slopes, in meadows or gardens. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Candytuft Seeds (Iberis umbellata)
They are excellent for rock gardens, bedding and borders in full sun or light shade. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Chicory Seeds (Cichorium intybus)
A stalky plant with blue, lavender flowers. Cultivated for its leaves and roots . Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Clover Purple Prairie Seeds (Dalea purpurea)
A good plant for birds & butterflies, palatable to wildlife. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Columbine Double Blue Winky Seeds (Aquilegia caerulea)
Fully double flowers. Long blooming season, compact growth habit and sturdy stems. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Columbine Eastern Red Seeds (Aquilegia canadensis)
Popular garden perennial since it attracts hummingbirds and easily regenerates by seed. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Columbine McKana Giant Seeds (Aquilegia caerulea)
Giant is a superior strain developed for its very large, 3" flowers, a beautiful range of colors. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Coneflower Purple Seeds (Echinacea purpurea)
Large showy flowers with a great look. Loved by bees and butterflies alike. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Coneflower Tennessee Seeds (Echinacea angustifolia var. tennesseensis)
This native coneflower is no longer on the endangered list. Slightly up-turned purple-pink petals. Pollinator friendly. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Coneflower Yellow Seeds (Ratibida columnifera)
Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Coreopsis Lance Leaf Seeds (Coreopsis lanceolata)
This favorite wildflower is a meadow or garden treasure. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Creeping Thyme Seeds (Thymus serpyllum)
Spreading perennial, to 6 inches tall; forms thick mats with clusters of deep pink flowers, very fragrant! Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Daisy English Seeds (Bellis perennis)
This wonderful button-like daisy is great for beautiful early garden color and adds an unusual interest point. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Daisy Gloriosa Seeds (Rudbeckia gloriosa)
The prettier cousin of the Black-eyed Susan. Big, showy blooms in colors of yellow, gold, bronze, mahogany. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Daisy Ox Eye Seeds (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
The Ox-Eye Daisy is often planted as a garden flower but remains a typical meadow flower. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Daisy Painted Seeds (Chrysanthemum carinatum)
Beautiful multi colored daisies with varying bands of other colors and a purple center. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Daisy Shasta Seeds (Chrysanthemum maximum)
Classic daisy appearance of white petals around a yellow disc, similar to the Ox-eye daisy but larger. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Early Buttercup Seeds (Ranunculus fascicularis)
Flowers are showy, on a relatively small plant, its likes rock gardens, open woodlands, etc. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
- Sale
Early Wild Rose Seeds (Rosa blanda)
Blooms June-July, up to 5 ft. tall this wild rose can be aggressive and is not suited for small area plantings. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per$3.95Sale price As Low As: $2.95 -
Fireweed Seeds (Epilobium angustifolium)
Big splashy show maker. This is a stunning wildflower. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $4.95Price:Unit price / per -
Forget Me Not Perennial Seeds (Myosotis sylvatica)
These flowers are those prolific spring blooms. Tiny delicate flowers in blue with yellowish centers brighten the heart of all. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea)
Is grown widely for its ornamental beauty. It can be grown as a biennial or short-lived perennial. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Gaura Seeds (Gaura longiflora)
Attractive and showy flowers which are produced in long, slender spikes. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Great St. John's Wort Seeds (Hypericum pyramidatum)
The blooms are bright yellow and star-shaped. These wildflowers are quite showy. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
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Harebell Seeds (Campanula rotundifolia)
Delicate. Graceful. Enchanting. Bell-shaped flowers dance in the summer breeze. Read MorePrice: $6.95Price:Unit price / perSold out -
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Sold outHollyhock Seeds (Alcea rosea)
Flowering plants that attract butterflies to your garden. Hollyhocks are usually associated with grandma's garden. Read MorePrice: $2.95Price:Unit price / perSold out -
Indian Blanket Seeds (Gaillardia pulchella)
Vibrant colored flowers can be seen carpeting fields and the sides of highways for miles. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Indian Paintbrush Seeds (Castilleja coccinea)
This plant has beautiful crimson red flowers that provide nectar for hummingbirds and is absolutely striking. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Indigo Wild Blue Seeds (Baptisia australis)
Spikes of dark violet-blue pea shaped flowers on top of grey-green stems covered in blue green leaves. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Indigo Dwarf Blue Seeds (Baptisia australis var. minor)
Spikes of dark violet-blue pea shaped flowers that form a lower growing indigo shrub. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Ironweed Seeds (Vernonia fasciculata)
A stately plant offers unusually brilliant purple flowers on top of 6-8' tall stems. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Joe Pye Weed Seeds (Eupatorium purpureum)
all, with large purple clusters of flowers. Attracts a variety of butterflies and other similar creatures. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Johnny Jump Up Seeds (Viola cornuta)
Small, compact flowering plants that grow to about 8 inches in height. Bright purple flowers with white and yellow patches. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Lavender Common Seeds (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavender blue spikes provide color for your entire growing season. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Lavender Hyssop Seeds (Agastache foeniculum)
This beautiful, fragrant flower makes a wonderful addition to herb gardens, perennial borders, and wildflower areas. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Lupine Perennial Seeds (Lupinus perennis)
This native flower boasts an elongated flower head stacked with blue to purple blossoms. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Lupine Russell Seeds (Lupinus polyphyllus)
Is a hybrid multi-colored lupine. Prefers to be planted in fertile well drained soil. It adapts to most soil types quite well. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
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Lupine Yellow Seeds (Lupinus densiflora aureus)
Widely grown for its attractive yellow flowers, this lupine is also great to bind up areas of erosion or extremely sandy spots. Read MorePrice: $4.95Price:Unit price / perSold out -
Maltese Cross Seeds (Lychnis chalcedonica)
Very popular in cottage gardens, this rugged and easy perennial is perfect for any sunny border. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Mexican Hat Seeds (Ratibida columnaris)
These splendid flowers are nature's sombreros. Very lovely, robust and drought tolerant. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Milkweed Common Seeds (Asclepias syriaca)
Host plants for Monarch butterflies... is also a highly sought nectar source for many other butterfly species and pollinators. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Milkweed Swamp Seeds (Asclepias incarnata)
Small, pink, white, mauve flowers. Extremely fragrant. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Missouri Primrose Seeds (Oenothera missouriensis)
It produces very large, broad yellow flowers that open from drooping buds from May through June. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Mistflower Seeds (Eupatorium coelestinum)
A lovely blue-purple flower that resembles fog when found in dense stands. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Money Plant Seeds (Lunaria biennis)
This fun novelty plant has great blooms in early spring... Though generally grown for dried arrangement. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Monkey Flower Seeds (Mimulus ringens)
Monkey flower is highly recommended in-home landscaping and a great addition to your garden. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Moonflower Seeds (Ipomoea alba)
Moon flowers open in the evening so they can be pollinated by night-flying moths. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Moss Verbena Seeds (Verbena tenuisecta)
Beautiful dense blue to violet, pink flowers. Blooms spring and early summer and makes a spectacular ground cover. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Nodding Pink Onion Seeds (Allium cernuum)
It is an extremely beautiful flower and suitable for formal or wild gardens. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Obedient Plant Seeds (Physostegia virginiana)
This compact clump forming perennial has snapdragon-like flowers that bloom through the entire summer. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Ohio Spiderwort Seeds (Tradescantia ohiensis)
Spiderwort is a unique plant with spike like leaves and beautiful blue flowers Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
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Pale Corydalis Seeds (Corydalis sempervirens)
A delicate flower in vibrant pink with yellow accents. Multiple branched stems each adorned with a delicate dangling flower Read MorePrice: $2.95Price:Unit price / perSold out -
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Pasque Flower Seeds (Anemone patens wolfgangiana)
The pasque flower is a unique lavender flower with a yellow center. Read MorePrice: $4.95Price:Unit price / perSold out -
Poppy Iceland Seeds (Papaver nudicaule)
Papaver nudicaule Blossoms are abundant and brilliant creating a striking display in your garden. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Queen of the Prairie Seeds (Filipendula rubra)
A wonderful, different flowering plant with amazing flowers. They almost look like cotton candy. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Rocky Mountain Bee Plant Seeds (Cleome serrulata)
Showy annual with a dense terminal spike of unique pink, pale rose, or white flowers. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Royal Catchfly Seeds (Silene regia)
It has striking crimson-scarlet or bright red flowers rivaling Cardinal Flower for intensity. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $4.95Price:Unit price / per -
Sage Pitcher Seeds (Salvia azurea)
Salvia azurea is the most striking blue flower in the garden in late summer and early fall. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Scarlet Sage Seeds (Salvia coccinea)
Tall, flowers are a bright red, similar to garden Salvias. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Shooting Star Seeds (Dodecatheon meadia)
Delicate beautifully shaped and unique flowers. Just like a star dropping from the sky. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Showy Evening Primrose Seeds (Oenothera speciosa)
This primrose has showy pink petals with a soft yellow throat. It blooms day and night Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Showy Goldeneye Seeds (Viguera multiflora)
Produces masses of 2-inch-wide yellow flowers in summer to early fall. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Showy Tick Trefoil Seeds (Desmodium canadense)
This is a spectacular plant. Grows up to 5 ft. with lavender pink blooms. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Siberian Wallflower Seeds (Cheiranthus allionii)
Bright orange flowers make it stand out in the spring. It's very fragrant and butterflies love it! Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Soapwort Seeds (Saponaria ocymoides)
Produces small, 5-petalled, pink flowers in spring. Blooms from mid-May through June. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Sunflower Perennial Seeds (Helianthus maximiliani)
Perennial sunflowers have yellow, daisy like flowers. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
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Sweet Alyssum Pink Seeds (Lobularia maritima)
Sweet-smelling pinkish/purple flowers with four petals; they are produced throughout the growing season. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Sweet Alyssum Seeds (Lobularia maritima)
Sweet-smelling white (rarely pink or lavender), with four petals; they are produced throughout the growing season. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Sweet William Seeds (Dianthus barbatus)
Comes in a multitude of colors from white to deep burgundy running in the shades of pink. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Texas Bluebonnet Seeds (Lupinus texensis)
State flower of Texas but you can have luck with it even in the North. We grow it at the farm. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Vervain Blue Seeds (Verbena hastata)
It is a perennial found growing wild by roadsides and sunny pastures, bearing many small pale-lilac flowers. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Viola Pansy Mix Seeds (Viola wittrockiana)
Great performers in your garden but also in containers or tubs patios or for cut flower bouquets. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Virginia Stock Seeds (Malcomia maritima)
Virginia stock has sweetly fragrant flowers on short, branching plants. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
Wild Blue Iris Seeds (Iris versicolor)
This amazing variety of iris grows to full bloom from seed!! It produces beautiful large blue blooms. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $2.95Price:Unit price / per -
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Wild Geranium Seeds (Geranium maculatum)
Great lavender color growing to approx. 1 ft. high and blooms. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $6.95Price:Unit price / per -
Wild Petunia Seeds (Petunia violacea)
They are lovely at the edge of a garden path, tumbling over rocks, or growing in containers. Blooms all summer. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Yarrow Golden Seeds (Achillea filipendulina)
Soft summer blooms that remain beautiful even in a drought or dry weather. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per -
Yarrow Red Seeds (Achillea millefolium rubra)
Cluster-like flowers similar to white yarrow make this reddish-pink variety a colorful addition. Read MorePrice: As Low As: $3.95Price:Unit price / per

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