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Wild Blue Iris Seeds (Iris versicolor)

Wild Blue Iris Seeds (Iris versicolor)

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WILD BLUE IRIS - Iris versicolor - This amazing variety of iris grows to full bloom from seed!! It produces beautiful large blue blooms. Also known as eastern blue flag iris, it is native to the eastern half of the U.S. but can grow just about anywhere in the US. It does establish rhizomes and comes back every year. Best in full sun, light soil, with good drainage. In addition, germination of this seed can be improved by scarification, then 90-180 days cool moist stratification. Or plant outside in the fall in moist soil for delayed germination.

Zones: 5 through 9

Height: Up to 3 ft.

Flower Color: Blue

Plant Type: Native Perennial

Light Requirement: Sun to Partial Shade

Bloom Time: Spring - Summer 

Seeds per Packet: 15+/-

Is this wildflower invasive: No 

Is this wildflower endangered: No

Is this wildflower edible: No 

Is this wildflower medicinal: No

Germination Code: 2 - Native wildflowers take time to establish. These are not first year blooming species. This species needs one period of cold stratification.